Independent Occupational Therapist

Sensory Integration Practitioner

  • Offering Sensory and Developmental Occupational Therapy Assessments
  • Report writing
  • Family support
  • Fine motor/handwriting assessment and intervention packages

Please get in touch if you feel that I could help.

About Me

I am an Occupational Therapist and Sensory Integration Practitioner. I have been an occupational therapist for over 20 years. I have worked within the NHS across most Adult Mental Health Services and settings. More recently working with children with sensory processing differences, a vast majority of these children being neurodivergent.

My favourite job however, is being a Mam to my 3 amazingly quirky and wonderful children. My sharp career shift came when we found out our son was Autistic and I wanted to know as much as possible about how we could support him. It’s been a journey of discovery in our family leading to further diagnosis, waiting on the pathways and learning how to navigate sometimes brutal systems.

In 2023, I completed a Pg(cert) in Sensory Integration to become a Sensory Integration Practitioner. This is my passion, my life and I am keen to share with other families what I have learnt from books, articles, research but most of all what I have learnt from the 3 best learning resources you could ever wish for.

Hours of Work

Appointments available: MondayFriday (10:00am2:30pm)

Appointments outside of these times can be discussed on an individual basis and I will respond to emails outside of these times.

Durham, United Kingdom

What does the Assessment Process look like?

Step 1

Initial enquiry by telephone or email

Step 2

Agreement to proceed. Payment due in 2 equal parts. First payment secures appointment, second payment due on receipt of the report.

Step 3

Referral forms and Sensory Questionnaire sent out to parents/caregivers for completion.

Step 6

Report and recommendations.

Step 5

Arranging visits and carrying out any standardised assessments that are required.

Step 4

We will arrange a time for initial visit and decide on whether one longer appointment or a school and home visit are required.

Step 7

Report and recommendations sent by email or post depending family preferences.

Step 8

Feedback telephone or Teams call to answer questions or queries.

Step 9

Family/school go on to implement strategies.

Step 10

Optional Extra: Review appointment to be held online 6 weeks after receiving report to discuss implementing strategies and family/school support. £75 for 1 Hour.

Step 1

Initial enquiry by telephone or email

Step 2

Agreement to proceed. Payment due in 2 equal parts. First payment secures appointment, second payment due on receipt of the report.

Step 3

Referral forms and Sensory Questionnaire sent out to parents/caregivers for completion.

Step 4

We will arrange a time for initial visit and decide on whether one longer appointment or a school and home visit are required.

Step 5

Arranging visits and carrying out any standardised assessments that are required.

Step 6

Report and recommendations.

Step 7

Report and recommendations sent by email or post depending family preferences.

Step 8

Feedback telephone or Teams call to answer questions or queries.

Step 9

Family/school go on to implement strategies.

Step 10

Optional Extra: Review appointment to be held online 6 weeks after receiving report to discuss implementing strategies and family/school support. £75 for 1 Hour.

Assessment Tools Used

As part of the assessment various tools are used, these can be standardised, formal assessments or observational alongside parent/carer/school questionnaires. The choice of tools will be decided once the referral information and questionnaires have been completed and will depend on the child’s needs. The assessments that are selected will be discussed with the child and parent/carergiver during your appointment.

Clinical Observations

  • Ways of observing in natural play.
  • Completing “jobs” without formality.
  • Taking part in play based fine and gross motor tasks.

Test of Visual Perception

  • Standardised measure to test visual perception without the need for motor planning.
  • Requires the child to complete a series of tasks looking at different visual stimulus.

Sensory Processing Measure (SPM-2)

  • Caregiver questionnaire to investigate the effect of sensory processing in everyday life.
  • School and home assessments available.

Structured Observations of Sensory Integration-Motor (SOSI-M)

  • Standardised assessment of proprioception and vestibular processing and motor planning.
  • More formal tasks – some need to be timed and performance measured.

Assessment Social Story

Younger Children (Up to Age 6)

1. Laura will come to my house/school to see me. I don’t have to worry, we will mainly be playing. Laura might talk to my grown up or teacher too.

2. Laura will bring some toys and games. She might ask some questions. If I don’t know the answer, that is ok. It might feel scary seeing someone new. There are no wrong answers and you won’t have to do anything that you do not want to do.

3. Laura will work out ways to help me with things that I find difficult. It will help grown ups understand and know what to do to help me.

4. If Laura suggests something that I don’t want to do, I can tell her or my grown up. We won’t be doing anything that makes me uncomfortable.

Assessment Social Story

Older Children (Age 7+)

1. Laura will come to my house/school to see me. I don’t have to worry, we will mainly be doing fun activities. Laura might talk to my parent/caregiver or teacher too.

2. Laura will bring some toys and games. She might ask some questions. If I don’t know the answer, that is ok. It might feel scary seeing someone new. Laura might ask me to do some jobs like standing on one leg or doing a puzzle.

3. Laura will work out ways to help me with things that I find difficult. It will help grown ups understand. This will help me at school and home.

4. If Laura suggests something that I don’t want to do, I can tell her or say “No”. We won’t be doing anything that makes me uncomfortable. It is ok to say no.

My Experience and Qualifications

I have been an Occupational Therapist for 20 years. I have worked in the NHS until 2 years ago. During this time, I worked in adult mental health services across most specialties, both inpatient and in the community settings. I have worked with lots of patients who have experienced early life trauma and are neurodivergent and saw the effects in later life. During my work, I identified the lack of early intervention as having a significant impact on outcomes into adulthood. For the last 2 years, I have worked in the private sector, working with children and adults with sensory processing differences. Often the children/young people/adults are neurodivergent. I have supported children within schools, their homes and within a therapy space working with parents carers, teachers and children to increase their understanding of sensory processing differences and build strategies to enable them to be more comfortable and achieve their goals.

As a result of my lived experience as a parent carer I aim to plan care with the child and family at the centre of what we do together. I plan to have a smaller caseload to ensure that I can be responsive to the families that I work with. Working in this way I have the flexibility to plan assessment and interventions to suit the needs of the individual child and family. Using a holistic approach to support the child’s needs means that best outcomes are achieved.

I have good support at home. All my suggestions, recommendations and strategies have been tried and reviewed by my children who always give me honest feedback!

BSc (hons) Occupational Therapy
Teesside University

Pg (cert) Sensory Integration-Distinction
Sheffield Hallam University

Pricing & Package Options

Assessment Package


Full sensory developmental assessment including, where appropriate, standardised testing.
  • Initial telephone call to discuss if assessment is suitable and plan for assessment (20 minutes).
  • Assessment (2 hours face-to-face time).
  • Any standardised or non-standardised testing completed.
  • Report and recommendations sent by post or email.
  • Telephone/Teams discussion of findings and opportunity to ask questions.

Fine Motor Groups


Group packages for up to 4 children available to purchase by school/community groups/home schooling.
  • Block of 6 week interventions (45 minute sessions).
  • Assessment of child’s needs through play based assessment.
  • Groups would be limited numbers to ensure best outcomes (up to 4 children depending on level of need).
  • Outcome measures (before and after).
  • Bespoke recommendations based on identified areas of need.

Fine Motor/Handwriting Assessment


  • Individual Assessment of Fine Motor Skills / Handwriting.
  • 6 x 45 minute individual sessions.
  • Play-based approach.
  • Brief summary of areas of need and underlying reasons for difficulties alongside individual recommendations for continued improvement.

Additional Add-Ons & Added Extras

£75 per hour

A charge of £20 will be added to the cost of the assessment for journey’s taking over 40 minutes to drive from Durham.
Attendance at meetings related to child, parent support, consultations by phone, online meeting or in person depending on need. These can be used to discuss strategies, problem solve issues that may arise (these sessions would be for families who have previously had a an assessment with me).

Contact Me

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